鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw



KAO Jun-Honn


Detention Center
2014, single-channel video, 22'00"

高俊宏是一位不斷在現代廢墟中徘徊的藝術家,這次的作品《接待室》是其《廢墟影像晶體計畫》的某種後續。《接待室》是以藉由新店廢棄監獄、三峽廢棄礦坑以及新店三峽地區的森林為主要場景,置入東亞冷戰結構中的幾個片段,不僅反過來進行藝術家個體生命的反思,同時發展對抗電影工業壟斷狀態的「一個人的電影」,就方法而言,這種特異的創作選擇,亦是新自由主義個體在赤貧狀態下的「貧窮敘事」。在小說寫作與出版的平行創作中,影像中的一個片段是光州暴動死者與台灣三峽海山礦災死者之間的聯結,這中間包含了東亞的幾個場景的回訪、選擇與聯結;第二個片段是沖繩渡加敷島,在二戰末期美軍登陸時的集團自殺場景的歷史照片,轉置到台灣北部山林的場景中,猶如台灣殖民時期的霧社事件中的原住民集體自殺場景;第三個片段是新店政治犯的接待室,與東亞冷戰結構下的沖繩、香港、濟州之間的聯結關係。 KAO Jun-Honn is an artist wandering in contemporary ruins. The artwork "Detention Center" is some kind of extension of"The Ruin Image Crystal Project"."Detention Center" sets its main scenes at an abandoned prison in XinDian, a deserted mine shaft in Sanxia and the forest in the region of XiDian and Sanxia. Inserted with some fragments from the cold war structure in East Asia, it is not just a mere introspection of the individual life of artist, but "a movie by one person" against the monopolization by movie enterprises. In regard of approach, such peculiar choice of creation is a "poor narrative" of a neoliberal individual in poverty. In the novel and its parallel published works, the first fragment of images is the link between the dead in Gwangju uprising in Korea and the dead in Hai-San Mine disaster at Sanxia, Taiwan, including the revisit, the choice, and the connection of several scenes in East Asia. The second fragment is Tokashiki Island of Okinawa. The historical picture of the mass suicide as the US military landed in the end of World War II is transposed to the scene of the woods in northern Taiwan, as if it were the scene of aboriginal's mass suicide in Wushe Incident during the Japanese colonization. The third fragment is AnKang Detention Center in XinDian for political prisoners and the connections among Okinawa, Hong Kong, and Jeju Island within the framework of East Asia cold war.